Our Favorite Fits - December 2022
We're finishing out the year strong with these bundled up, layered looks! Featuring pieces from RRL, OrSlow, Kapital, Beams+ and so much more!
What's your favorite fit? Shoot us an email or leave us a comment on Instagram or YouTube to let us know!
Here’s our Favorite Fits for December…
Look One

Look One: RRL Coated Twill Jacket - Vintage Red, Lady White Co. Super Weighted Hoodie - Black, orSlow US Army Fatigue Corduroy Pants (Regular Fit) - Dark Brown, HOKA ONE ONE Kaha 2 GTX - Black, Canoe Club x Ebbets Field Ball Cap - Black, And Wander High Loft Fleece Neck Warmer - Black
Look Two

Look Two: Beams Plus Patchwork Harris Tweed Balmacaan Coat, Kapital 7G Wool Crew Sweater (FAT CAT ON LEGEND LIVE), Manastash Flex Climber Pant, Dr. Martens 1461 Shoe - Forest Green Buck Suede.
Look Three

Looking forward to spring or sticking to winter? #Tag us in your favorite fit on Instagram and show us your season of style.