All ABout beams Japan

In the ever-evolving world of menswear, few names resonate as profoundly as Beams. Since its inception in 1976 within a modest 230-square-foot shop in Harajuku, this Japanese fashion powerhouse has evolved into an empire, boasting multiple lines, each with its unique identity, vision, and distinct focus. 

Beams Plus is probably the line you’re most familiar with, known for its exceptional take on the golden age of Americana, reinterpreting classic items with a modern twist. Beams Plus has long been a pillar of the shop, delivering on quality fabrics, and timeless designs. It’s a customer favorite, and it’s easy to see why.

As Customer Service Podcast listeners remember, we have quite the love story with Beams, so when the opportunity came for us to start offering another line in Beams Japan, you can only imagine how excited we were to bring it to the store. As we continue to grow our curated selection here at Canoe Club, we always get thrilled at the thought of adding more lifestyle offerings to round out the rest of the roster. It’s a natural step for us to take, and what better way to do that than by introducing Beams Japan? 

The Beams Japan sub-line started as a project for showcasing the best of Japanese culture and style. It aims to curate products across categories like food, fashion, art, and design that exemplify the innovation and craftsmanship that Japan is known for. The diverse merchandise acts as small ambassadors for Japan, transmitting the country's creative energy and aesthetic both domestically and globally. As one of Japan's leading brands, Beams continues to set trends by bringing talented artisans, designers, and culinary artists together under one roof. Beams Japan represents the brand's dedication to seeking out and sharing the very best of contemporary and traditional Japanese culture with the world.  

Beams Japan is more directional and conceptual in its approach to products, but you can expect the same level of meticulous attention and craftsmanship that you’ve come to appreciate from Beams Plus. Even with Beams Japan’s more easygoing nature, you can undoubtedly identify the shared sensibilities from both lines. Beams Japan offers a broad range of products, from clothing, accessories, art, crafts, and more. All the products have one thing in common, they bring a piece of Japan to the rest of the world.

One of the most exciting aspects of our being able to bring in Beams Japan is the plethora of home goods and accessories we can now offer through the brand. Going beyond just clothing, Beams has long advocated for a holistic lifestyle to go along with its products, and it only made sense for them to have a line that focused more on home goods. Furnishing your home can be just as satisfying as filling your closet, or finding that accessory you didn’t know you needed, but can no longer live without once you have it. The products offered here are very unique, and will easily round out any space. If you asked the team here what our favorite items were from this initial delivery, we’d very likely all have different answers. And that’s a testament to how personal some of these items can be. Much like clothing, there is individuality in our spaces, and our affinity for Japanese clothing more than translates to these other items as well.  

From the intricate Aritaka Home Decoration, to the adorable Piggy Banks, the Beams Japan offering is brimming with charm and personality. We also love the simplicity of daily items like the Logo Socks to the Evergreen Works Tote Bags. Can’t-miss accessories like the Zodiac Key Chains and Logo Sushi Cups have already been well received by our community which have almost sold out. So often, we see brands struggle with having multiple lines, often diluting the products and losing their perspective, but Beams expertly navigates this with Beams Japan’s offerings and personality.

Shopping for clothing can become formulaic at times. Maybe you are just looking to fill a specific gap in your wardrobe, maybe you’re set on that one particular piece from that one particular designer, and all you have to do is type on a search bar to get to it. However, when it comes to home goods or accessories, you can’t always exactly know what you’re looking for because you’re not quite as sure what’s out there. In a way, it reintroduces that thrill of the hunt and discovery. As an example, when did you think you’d ever want a piggy bank again, of course, that’s until you saw these ones from Beams Japan.

As long-time admirers of Beams and its whole ecosystem, we’re thrilled to have Beams Japan for the first time this season. Explore the entirety of the collection, get lost in the charm and personality of each item, and bring a piece of Japan into your home.